Copper Exporter (from the Philippines)

Looking to Export Copper from Philippines?

If you are a serious buyer or looking to export Copper Ore, Nickel Ore, Iron Ore, Marble, Magnetite Sand, etc. from the Philippines, please contact Mr. Prince Javar at and feel free to inquire, clarify or ask.

Located in the western Pacific Ocean and with over 7,000 islands, the Philippines is definitely rich with natural resources: mineral, agricultural, and marine. Its vast land is fertile and the climate ranges from temperate to subtropical, providing an environment for many plant and animal species. This country is also blessed with mineral resources and an extensive coastline filled with marine life. 

Particularly, the mineral deposits of the Philippines has been attracting at least more than USD 6 Billion in foreign investments (EXPORT Industry). Focusing on gold, nickel, copper, silver, platinum, zinc, and cobalt, the export industry of the Philippines has indeed profitable for all investors.

The country’s mineral deposits can be classified into metals and non-metals. Our metal deposits are estimated at 21.5 billion metric tons, while non-metal deposits are projected at 19.3 billion metric tons. Nickel ranks first in terms of deposits and size, it is found in Surigao del Norte, Davao, Palawan, Romblon and Samar. Iron is found in Ilocos Norte, Nueva Ecija, Camarines Norte and Cotabato. While copper in Zambales, Batangas, Mindoro, Panay and Negros. Among non-metal deposits, the most abundant are cement, lime, and marble. Other non-metals include asbestos, clay, guano, asphalt, feldspar, sulfur, talc, silicon, phosphate, and marble.

If you are a serious buyer or looking to export Copper Ore, Nickel Ore, Iron Ore, Marble, Magnetite Sand, etc. from the Philippines, please contact Mr. Prince Javar at and feel free to inquire, clarify or ask.


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