JESSICA SANCHEZ Sings Whitney Houston’s “How Will I Know”

JESSICA SANCHEZ Sings Whitney Houston’s “How Will I Know”
American Idol Season 11 (TOP 8)

Jessica Sanchez or JeZZ (as my personal nickname to her) once again was able to sing a great cover of one of her idols: Ms. Whitney Houston.

The 16-year-old did an amazing rendition of the great singer's song called "How Will I Know" on American Idol Season 11 for '80s themed week.

Indeed, she was professional, poised and amazing in rehearsal that their guest mentor, Gwen Stefani told Sanchez she is "Shockingly Good. Gwen mentored the teen to work the stage better than her usual tactics and it obviously was evident during her live performance.  

After her widely-applauded performance, Randy Jackson and Jennifer Lopez were just in awe with her stage presence and amazing vocals, Randy even commenting that she made Whitney proud. On the other hand, Steven Tyler is somewhat having a hard time assessing Jessica (as usual).

Will Jessica Sanchez singing a Whitney Houston song enough for her to stay in the competition?

I believe so, but we all have to wait until Thursday night to find out.

Watch it now and feel free to share...:)


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