Here's 3 silly ways to improve and develop one’s speaking ability, it’s pretty damn effective! Read and Apply it Now!

TIP 1 - Watch TV shows and Imitate them Aloud.

-      Just so people or your family members wouldn’t think you’re crazy; it’s a good way to be resourceful and be creative to try and mimic others in terms of speaking when you are all alone at home. Repeating unfamiliar words over and over again by pronouncing it every time you hear it and how others do it, helps a lot. It’s like practicing but at the same time having fun about it.

TIP 2 – Face the mirror and Read Aloud.

-       You will probably think what the heck? But tell you what, it may seem ridiculous but I did it back then. Just go and get something, a book, a magazine or a newspaper and just read it aloud. Look at the mirror when you are repeating the sentence or a paragraph. If you think, you are having a problem reading at a normal pace and having a hard time with some words. Repeat it again and again (and again). Notice your facial expression and how you open your mouth because when you speak, these factors also come into play in improving your oral skills. You may not pronounce the words right and no one will tell you its the wrong way to say it but still, practice helps a lot and it also gives you that little bit of confidence.

TIP 3 – Sing your favorite song aloud.

-          They say that music encourages teenagers and young adults to become creative. I say that’s about right and it also helps you improve your verbal skills. When you sing and become familiar with the lyrics, people normally focus on carefully following the right melody, pace, and content of the song but how you pronounce the lyrics never seems to matter. Honestly, no one really cares how you pronounce it just as long as they understand the words when they hear you sing. So just go grab your iPod and hit that notes and you can do it whenever you want again and again.

In developing one’s ability to speak and communicate properly, Doing it again and again and practicing a lot will gain you further improvement. 

Just remember that, ‘Repetition” is one of the key.

Take that silly ways into practice and let me hear your thoughts soonest.

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